Personal Lines

Products and Services

Relationship between the parties:

The Absa Insurance Co products are enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide both binding and outsourced functions on behalf of Absa Insurance Company. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

FSP Solutions also provide the full binding facility (including claims) on behalf of Absa Insurance Company.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Existing relationships with the insurer you can be switched to FSP Solutions on approval.
  • FSP Solutions will assist all brokers wanting an agency with the paperwork required. All new applications are vetted by the insurer and loaded and on boarded on their systems as well. Our consultants will assist and keep you informed on progress of the process.
Administration and claims:

FSP Solutions manages all administration and claims. A very good loss ratio has been maintained over many years of the relationship. Great service and fantastic turnaround times, forms part of our great track record on managing this facility

Absa Plus – Policy wording
Absa Plus Insurance Policy Wording
Absa Premium – Policy wording
Absa Premium Insurance Policy Wording
Absa Premium Insurance Excess Addendum
AbSA Call – Policy Wording
AbsaCall Cellphone Insurance
Insurance forms
Plot And Small Holding Questionnaire
Relationship between the parties:

The Auto & General Insurance Company’s products are enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of Auto & General. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Existing relationships with the insurer you can be switched to FSP Solutions on approval.
  • If you don’t have a relationship with the insurer partner we can assist with all the paperwork and contracts required to sign up.
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Relationship between the parties:

The Axsure product is enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of Axsure. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Please note – This product is not open to all FSP Solutions brokers. Where applicable we will assist with paperwork.
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Policy Wording
Soteria Policy wording
P4 Policy wording
Relationship between the parties:

The Budget Insurance product is enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of Budget Insurance. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • If you don’t have a relationship with the insurer partner, we can assist with all the paperwork and contracts required to sign up. (Please note not all brokers qualify to gain access to the Budget Insurance product)
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Policy Wording
Policy Wording
Policy wording
Dotsure Policy Wording Document
Relationship between the parties:

The First for Woman Insurance Company’s product is enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of First for Woman. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Existing relationships with the insurer you can be switched to FSP Solutions on approval.
  • If you don’t have a relationship with the insurer partner we can assist with all the paperwork and contracts required to sign up.
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Policy information
First for Woman Policy Book
Relationship between the parties:

The King Price Insurance Company’s products are enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of King Price. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Existing relationships with the insurer you can be switched to FSP Solutions on approval.
  • If you don’t have a relationship with the insurer partner we can assist with all the paperwork and contracts required to sign up.
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Relationship between the parties:

The MiWay Insurance Company’s product is enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of MiWay. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Existing relationships with the insurer you can be switched to FSP Solutions on approval.
  • If you don’t have a relationship with the insurer partner we can assist with all the paperwork and contracts required to sign up.
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Relationship between the parties:

The SA Underwriting Agencies Insurance Company’s product is enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of SA Underwriting Agencies. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Existing relationships with the insurer you can be switched to FSP Solutions on approval.
  • If you don’t have a relationship with the insurer partner we can assist with all the paperwork and contracts required to sign up.
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Relationship between the parties:

The Verseker Insurance Company’s product is enabled and accessible to intermediaries via FSP Solutions. The insurer participate in our multiple quoting module. Every effort is made to ensure premiums are accurate and matching those of the partner. In some instances FSP Solutions may even enjoy better premiums than what would be available directly. Quoting and accepting new business with the insurer via our technology, is made easy with an integrated seamless electronic process. Our technology offers a compliance “footprint,” showing how you went about assisting your clients with multiple offerings. All quotes show accurate premiums, excess structures and underwriting requirements.

FSP Solutions provide outsourced functions on behalf of Virseker. Some of the outsource functions are: Web based multiple quoting technology, access to broker distribution, training, broker servicing, infrastructure, management, compliance and many other.

Full regulated commission is paid to the broker.

Brokers working through the cost saving model of FSP Solutions gains access to great benefits and compliance.

Intermediary agreement requirements & on – boarding process:
  • Existing relationships with the insurer you can be switched to FSP Solutions on approval.
  • If you don’t have a relationship with the insurer partner we can assist with all the paperwork and contracts required to sign up.
Administration and claims:

In this relationship the insurer conducts all binding, administration and claim functions. Brokers will still enjoy a direct line relationship with the insurer partner. FSP Solutions only get involved where so required by the partner, in the unlikely event of a problem arising.

Product and Policy information
Virseker Policy Book Information
Policy Information
ExcessSure: Stand Alone Vehicle Excess Buy Down Policy
General Operative Clause:

This policy and the schedule are the contract between the Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited (the Insurer), administered by X’S Sure(Pty) Ltd and the Insured and other Insured/s stated in the schedule. Any application or statement made by the Insured or on the Insured's behalf will form the basis of this policy and be part thereof.

In consideration of and upon receipt of the premium, the Insurer will indemnify the Insured, subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy, against occurrences for which the Insured is covered under the policy that occur during the period of insurance stated in the schedule.

The Insurer will indemnify the Insured by direct payment into the bank account as per the banking details on the policy schedule of this policy document.

Insured Event:

This policy will reduce the Insured's basic excess or reduce the additional excess in respect of theft and hijacking following the occurrence of such an event. This policy is subject to the general conditions, exclusions and definitions from the underlying policy (being the Insured's latest insurance policy covering all the Insured's vehicles comprehensively) unless specifically stated otherwise. Should the underlying Insurer repudiate the Insured's claim for any reason whatsoever, no cover will be in force with this policy.

General Conditions:

  1. Period of Insurance:
    The Period of Insurance is initially the period from the inception date of the policy to the last day of the calendar month in which the inception date occurs. Thereafter the period of insurance is equivalent to one calendar month, no matter when the cancellation of the policy takes place in the month.
  2. Payment of Premiums:
    On receipt of the monthly premium on the first working day of each calendar month the policy is automatically renewed by the Insurer. If the premium is not paid on request, all cover ceases with effect from the last day of the previous month in respect of commercial business.

    In the case of domestic policies, if the premiums are not received on the due date or within 15 working days after the due date, the policy is considered cancelled on the last day of the month for which premium was last received.

    Due date shall be the 1st day of every calendar month.

    The Insured and any other Insureds are collectively and individually responsible for the payment of the premium.
  3. Duty of Care:
    The Insured must exercise all reasonable precautions for the maintenance and safety of the property insured as well as to prevent or minimise loss or damage.
  4. Limitations and Amendments (Including inflation and premium adjustments):
    Limitations and amendments to the policy contract may be made by the Insurer after giving the Insured 30 days written notice thereof at the Insured's last contact address according to the Insurer's records.
  5. Cancellation
    The policy or any section thereof may be cancelled by the Insured immediately at any time or by the Insurer giving the Insured 30 days written notice thereof at the last contact address according to Insurer's records.
  6. Underlying Insurance Policy:
    The insured vehicle must be comprehensively insured.
Limit of Indemnity:

  1. The amount deducted by the underlying insurance company in respect of the basic excess of 5% of claim with a maximum amount of R2,500.00 in respect of accident / write off’s and / or additional theft / hijacking excesses, will be the amount the Insurer will reimburse to the Insured, up to the maximum amount of R2,500.00.

    Please note: Only when a claim is made against the underlying insurance policy and the underlying policy pays a portion towards the claim, will the Excess Buy Down come into effect. The maximum limit of X'S Sure's liability is R2,500-00. No windscreen/motor glass, radio’s, voluntary, additional or penalty excesses are covered by this policy.
  2. No claims will be settled by the Insurer in the event of the underlying insurance company repudiating the Insured's accident claim or theft/hijacking claim.
  3. In the event that the stolen or hijacked vehicle is recovered with no damages and the Insurer has already reimbursed the client his/her excess, and the underlying Insurer refunds the excess, such refunds will be paid back to the Insurer to a maximum amount of 5% of the claim or R2,500.00, but never more than R2,500.00.
  4. Where any successful recovery is made by the underlying insurer and X’s Sure has already paid the clients excess as per the limits of liability, then X’s Sure will only be entitled to receive their proportionate share, but never more than R2,500-00. The proportionate remainder, if any will be refunded to the insured by the underlying insurer. For Example:
    Claim: R200,000.00
    Excess: R5,000 R5,000.00
    Insured excess: R5,000.00
    ExcessSure pays R2,500.00
    Recovery: R200,000.00
    1. Insured R2,500.00
    2. ExcessSure R2,500.00
    3. Insurer R195,000.00

  1. In the event of an occurrence that may result in a claim, the Insured must notify the Insurer thereof within 30 days, as well as give details of any other policy that covers the same occurrence and supply the Insurer with full details in writing together with full details of the relevant underlying insurance company insuring the Insured's vehicles at the time.
  2. Any occurrence where theft or any other criminal act or loss is involved must be reported to the police immediately.
Insurer's Rights After An Occurrence That May Lead To A Claim:

The Insurer reserves the rights to contact the underlying insurance company in the event of a claim to confirm the amounts deducted and to check that all documentation is complete.

In the event of a dispute or misrepresentation, the underlying insurance company's decision will be final.

The Insured shall at the expense of the Insurer, do and permit to be done all such things as may be necessary or reasonably required by the Insurer for the purpose of enforcing any rights to which the Insurer shall be, or would become, subrogated upon indemnification of theInsured.

Fraudulent or Willful Acts:

All rights of indemnity under the policy will be forfeited in the following circumstances:

  1. If a claim is in any respect fraudulent or if fraudulent means are used by the Insured, or on the Insured's behalf, to obtain any benefit under this policy.
  2. If a claim in any way occurs due to a willful act committed by the Insured or with the Insured's knowledge.
  3. Information in connection with a claim is not true.
Other Insurance:

If a claim payable under this policy is also payable under any other policy the Insurer will only pay a proportional share of the claim.

Underwritten by Guardrisk Insurance Limited. An Authorised Financial Services Provider. FSP No. 26/10/75.
Administered by X'S Sure (Pty) Ltd. An Authorised Financial Service Provider. FSP No. 21101.

Funeral Insurance

Claim Form

Specialist Cycle and Accessories

Taxi insurance

Sharedrive insurance – Uber & Taxify

Company information
About CTU
CTU Advert
CTU Product Summary
CTU Taxi Insurance
CTU Important Contact Details
Underwriting Department:

Terisha Pillay

Direct Line: (011) 274 1325
Fax Line: 086 501 1285
Claims Department:

Dimakatso Khumalo (Snr Claims Negotiator)

Direct Line: (011) 274-1342
Fax Line: 086 683 1102
Debit Order Authorisation Form
Application Forms
CTU_Zimele Taxi Proposal Form
CTU_Matla Taxi Proposal Form
Owner_Driver Taxi Proposal Form
CTU_Supersaver Taxi Proposal Form


Vehicle Tracking Devices
Policy information
Matrix Product Features
Matrix Product Sheet
Company information
About Tracker